When It All Comes Down to Just One Bush…

retired racing greyhound

It happens so fast. Your spry, young friend who used to pull on the leash and bark ferociously at squirrels turns into a very wobbly old dog whose walk has become much more of an unstable stand. Untold numbers of minutes pass as he investigates that one bush out front. The one that holds all the mysteries of life gone by, the smells, the critters, the passersby. That one bush that lets him be who he is now. That one bush that supports his old vision of himself, curious and alive.

We watch others zoom past us with their spry young dogs, jogging, rushing, checking their boxes. That used to be us in another season of life. We’ve come to realize our gratitude for this season with our senior dog—we will enjoy all we can get of him while we can. A majestic retired racing greyhound who used to burn up the track in hot pursuit of the lure, is now fulfilled by walking just a few houses down. And he’s always joyful to process that bush, that one fascinating bush, unlocking the secrets of what has transpired since his last review.

Thank you special bush for giving Niki a place to be enriched, to participate in the world and feel the joy of using his strongest sense, the sense of smell, to connect and be connected. Here’s hoping for many, many more opportunities to stand out front and do what we do together.